Where can I buy Nanchen Dolls?

We deliver to stores, online retailers and mail-order companies all over the world. You can look at our map of retailers to see if there is a store near you that sells our products. You will also receive excellent consultation about your personal doll wishes.
If you lose your doll and it is no longer in our product range, you can contact us directly here.


You have the advantage of a personal consultation about the choice of your very own Nanchen Doll when buying at one of our stores. Due to the faces being hand-painted, each doll has its own character and expression. Many stores have been customers of our factory for decades and we work very closely and personally with them.

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Online Retailers

We deliver to several owner-managed online retailers which, in the last few years, has acted as a nice counterbalance to the larger platforms.
You can order your dolls directly here and have your perfect doll delivered to your doorstep.

Are you a business owner who would also like to add Nanchen Dolls to your range of products? You can register here at our B2B-online shop.

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